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75 ohm coaxial cable with messenger

  Description Price
RG-6 mes 9117M75 ohm coaxial cable Belden - RG-6 mes 9117M

BELDEN cable - central OL-Cu 1,02 mm, Foam PE insulation, Al 60% braiding + double Al foil, attenuation 11,0dB/100m at 300MHz, interference immunity >85dB, ext.diam 6,9mm, black, pulling tension 3500N, 305m reels, messenger coaxial cable


Price : 0.39 EURO
*) VAT not included
Availability : Call
nextraCOM RG 6 mes nextra 75ohm coaxial cable75 ohm coaxial cable nextraCOM - RG 6 mes

Messenger coaxial cable, Central Ol coppered, 60% Al braiding + Al foil, 9.7dB/100m/200MHz  20dB/100m/800MHz ,max. attenuation, immunity >70dB, d=6,9+3mm, 305m reels, black


Price : 0.19 EURO
*) VAT not included
Availability : Call
Trishield messenger 75 ohm coaxial cableTrishield messenger 75 ohm coaxial cable nextraCOM - RG 6 mes TRISHIELD

Trishield messenger 75 ohm coaxial cable, Central Ol coppered, Al foil + 70% Al braiding + Al foil,  9,3dB/100m/200MHz 20,8dB/100m/800MHz, max. attenuation, diam.6,9+3mm, immunity>90dB, 305m reels, black


Price : 0.20 EURO
*) VAT not included
Availability : Call
Braun Group RG6 Mes75 ohm coaxial cable Braun Group - RG6 Mes

Coaxial cable 75 ohm, Central steel-copper 1,02mm, dielectric Foam PE 4,7mm, AL foil, Al braid 60%(16x5x0,12mm), 10,2-21dB/100m at 200-800MHz atenuation, imunity >70dB, PVC shield, steel messenger 1,3mm, black color, diameter6,9+3,0mm, 305m reels



Price : 0.19 EURO
*) VAT not included
Availability : Call
RG6 Mes Trishield75 ohm coaxial cable Braun Group - RG6 Mes Trishield

 Coaxial cable 75 ohm, Central steel-copper 1,02mm, dielectric Foam PE 4,7mm, AL foil, Al braid 70%(16x7x0,12mm), 10,2-21dB/100m at 200-800MHz atenuation, imunity 90dB, PVC shield, steel messenger 1,3mm, black color, diameter6,9+3,0mm, 305m reels 



Price : 0.20 EURO
*) VAT not included
Availability : Call
PRG11CU mes75 ohm coaxial cable nextraCOM - PRG11CU mes

Messenger coaxial cable, copper central 1,6mm, Cu braiding 50%+Cu foil, attenuation 7,2dB/100m/300MHz, immunity > 85dB, d=10,2mm, 305/1000 m reels, black, 100% copper


Old price 0.83 EURO
New price
0.77 EURO
*) VAT not included
Availability : Call
PRG 11 CU mes75ohm coaxial messenger cable Belden - PRG 11 CU mes

central OL-Cu 1,55 mm, Cu 50% braiding + Cu foil, attenuation 7,0/20,9dB-100m-300/2150 MHz, interference immunity >85dB, ext.diam 10,1mm, 330/1000m reels


Price : 1.89 EURO
*) VAT not included
Availability : Call
RG 11 mes75 ohm messenger coaxial cable nextraCOM - RG 11 mes

Messenger coaxial cable, Central Ol coppered, 60% Al braiding + Al foil, 6,2dB/100m/200MHz 12,8dB/100/800MHz,  max. attenuation, immunity >70dB, d=10,3+3.6mm, 305m reels, black


Price : 0.37 EURO
*) VAT not included
Availability : Call
Trishield messenger 75 ohm coaxial cableTrishield messenger 75 ohm coaxial cable nextraCOM - RG 11 mess TRISHIELD

Trishield messenger 75 ohm coaxial cable, Central Ol coppered, Al foil + 70% Al braiding + Al foil,  6,4dB/100m/200MHz 12,8dB/100/800MHz attenuation, immunity>90dB, d=10,2+3.7mm, 305m, 1000m reels, black


Price : 0.38 EURO
*) VAT not included
Availability : Call
RG11 mes75 ohm messenger coaxial cable Braun Group - RG11 mes

Messenger coaxial cable, Central Ol coppered, dielectric Foam PE 7,2mm , 60% (16x7x0,12mm) Al braiding + Al foil, 6,6-14,7dB/100m la 200-800MHz attenuation, immunity >70dB, PVC cover, messenger steel 1,83mm, d=10,3+3.7mm, 305m reels, black


Price : 0.37 EURO
*) VAT not included
Availability : Call
RG11 Mes Trishield75 ohm messenger coaxial cable Braun Group - RG11 Mes Trishield

Messenger coaxial cable, Central Ol coppered 1,60mm , dielectric Foam PE 7,2mm , 60% (16x7x0,12mm) Al braiding + Al foil, 6,6-14,7dB/100m la 200-800MHz attenuation, immunity >85dB, PVC cover, messenger steel 1,83mm, d=10,3+3.7mm, 305m reels, black


Price : 0.38 EURO
*) VAT not included
Availability : Call
Prices do not include VAT
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