Exchange rates


1 EURO = 4.9763 RON  
1 USD = 4.7792 RON  


Mondo Plast SRL

Products and services

Import and distribution:

• industrial cables, telecom cables, instrumentation cables & Audio/Video;
• twisted-pair data cables: UTP, FTP, STP, I-STP, cat 7, cat 6, cat 5E;
• messenger coaxial cables, 50 Ohm telecom & 6 GHz wireless cables;
• underground cables & aerial messenger cables, ADSS-fibre cables;
• optical equipment and cables (OFC) for CATV (broadband) and high speed Internet (optical transceivers, ADSL);
• broadband and optical equipment, telecommunication transceivers, passive networks - PC;
• network equipment, gigabite switches, routers, passives;
• radio commercial traffic, digital, data & GPS equipment;
• radio-amateur substations, aerials & apparatus;
• surveillance systems: CCTV, audio/video, IP cameras;
• satellite TV digital equipment/Internet by satellite;
• wireless AP & MMDS, aerials: 2,4 GHz, 3,5 GHz, 5,8 GHz;
• multimedia systems: audio/video, plasma monitors, LCD, mouse/keyboards;
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