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Tele-Fonika Single mode optical fiber cable

  All fibers in TFK single mode fiber optic cables are ITU-T G.652D compliant TFK single mode optical cable
No. of fibers Cable diameter Weight Tensile load Min. Bending radius Operating
  LTC-S 1KN (DUCT) - Loose tube, gell filled, metalfree, protectie UV, rezistent la abraziune
12 fibre (1x12) 8 mm 50 kg/km 1 kN 160mm -40 +70 4km 0.45
24 fibre (2x12) 8 mm 50 kg/km 1 kN 160mm -40 +70 4km 0.59
48 fibre (4x12) 8 mm 50 kg/km 1 kN 160mm -40 +70 4km 0.89
  CTC 1,5KN (DUCT) - Central tube, Loose tube, gel filled, metalfree, protectie UV, protectie la rozatoare
12 fibre 7,8 mm 55 kg/km 1,5/0,75 kN 190mm -40 +70 4km 0.42
  LTC RP 2,7KN (DUCT) - Loose tube, gel filled, metalfree, UV resistant, rodent protection
12 fibre (2x6) 9,5 mm 75 kg/km 2,7/1,4 kN 190mm -40 +70
24 fibre (2x12) 9,5 mm 75 kg/km 2,7/1,4 kN 190mm -40 +70
48 fibre (4x12) 9,5 mm 75 kg/km 2,7/1,4 kN 190mm -40 +70
86 fibre (8x12) 10,9 mm 110 kg/km 3,0/1,5 kN 220mm -40 +70 4,1km 1.36
  LTC RP 4KN (DUCT) - Loose tube, gel filled, metalfree, UV resistant, rodent protection
12 fibre (2x6) 11,5 mm 115 kg/km 2/4 kN 230mm -40 +70 4km 0.85
24 fibre (2x12) 11,5 mm 115 kg/km 2/4 kN 230mm -40 +70 4km 1.01
48 fibre (4x12) 11,5 mm 115 kg/km 2/4 kN 230mm -40 +70 4km 1.36
  ADSS 2,5KN - Aerian, Loose tube, gel filled, metalfree, UV resistant, pole span 30-50m
4 fibre (1x4) 10,0 mm 80 kg/km 2,5/1,5 kN 200mm -40 +70 4km 0.53
8 fibre (2x4) 10,0 mm 80 kg/km 2,5/1,5 kN 200mm -40 +70 4km 0.57
12 fibre (2x6) 10,0 mm 80 kg/km 2,5/1,5 kN 200mm -40 +70 4km 0.60
24 fibre (4x6) 10,0 mm 80 kg/km 2,5/1,5 kN 200mm -40 +70 4km 0.71
48 fibre (4x12) 10,0 mm 80 kg/km 2,5/1,5 kN 200mm -40 +70 4km 0.94
  ADSS 5KN - Aerian, Loose tube, gel filled, metalfree, UV resistant, pole span 50-70m
12 fibre (2x6) 10,5 mm 85 kg/km 2,5/5 kN 210mm -40 +70 4km 1.00
24 fibre (4x6) 10,5 mm 85 kg/km 2,5/5 kN 210mm -40 +70 4km 1.18
48 fibre (4x12) 10,5 mm 85 kg/km 2,5/5 kN 210mm -40 +70 4km 0.00
  MULTITUBE MICROCABLES(Loose tube micro cables gel filled), metalfree, water protection, UV resistant, installation by compressed air in micro tubes
No. of fibers Cable diameter Microtube diameter Weight Tensile load Operating
24 fibre (2x12) 5,6 mm 10/8 mm 27 kg/km 500/1000 N -30 +70 3-4km 0.66
48 fibre (4x12) 5,6 mm 10/8 mm 27 kg/km 500/1000 N -30 +70 3-4km 1.06
72 fibre (6x12) 5,6 mm 10/8 mm 27 kg/km 500/1000 N -30 +70 3-4km 1.53
96 fibre (8x12) 6,7 mm 10/8 mm 40 kg/km 750/1500 N -30 +70 3-4km 1.84
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