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 » Cabluri de fibra optica Single NEXTRA com

ADSS-80 3kN

Nextra ADSS-80 3kN 96 fibers Multitube optical fiber cable

nextraCOM - ADSS-80 3kN 96 fibre

Fiber optic cable NEXTRA ADSS-80 3,0KN 96 x SM G657A1 (8x12) - A-DQ (ZN) 2Y - AERIAN, Multitub (loose tube gel filled), metalfree, longitudinal waterbloking, aramid yarns, distance between pillars 80m (for heavy environmental conditions: wind speed 17.7m / s, ice 12.5mm, temperature -40 + 70 degrees, arrow 1%), diameter: 12.7mm, weight: 120kg / km, . stretching: 3,0KN, crush resistance: 1500N / dm, min. curvature: 254mm, temp. operating: -40 + 70 degrees Celsius, roll length: 4km


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