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Planet POE 2018 Catalogue

Switch-uri si injectoare PoE

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  Descriere Pret
pe6108hPOE switch 8port cu 4 *POE, sursa PoE 69W- 48V/1,45A interna, rackmount kit Stonet - PE6108H

8 Port Fast Ethernet 10/100 PoE Switch/4 Port PoE /802.3af; (Half POE )
Metal housing, desktop, internal power supply 69W,
PoE Power
Supports PoE power up to 17W for each PoE port, 69W for all PoE ports internal power supply
8 *10/100Mbps RJ45 port, including 4 PoE ports (Port 1-Port 4)

Pret vechi 204.92 LEI
Pret nou
165.04 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 196.40 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
GS-4210-8P2Sv28-Port 10/100/1000T PoE + 2-Port 100/1000X SFP Management Planet - GS-4210-8P2S

8-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 100/1000X SFP Managed Switch

Pret : 793.59 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 944.37 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
Switch 5*10/100 , 4 PoE * 15.5W/port, PSU-POE= 65WIPCOM PoE switch 250m surveillance 5*10/100 , 4 PoE * 15.5W/port, sursa PoE 63Watt externa, protectie 4kV/6kV, garant 3ani, (TEF1105P) IP-COM - F1105P-4-63W POE

 FP1105P-4-63W este o solutie PoE profesionala pentru sisteme de supraveghere pe distanta de pina la 250 metri oferit intr-o carcasa metalica compacta, cu protectie la fulgere 4kV/6kV si garantie 3ani
Switch PoE cu 5 porturi, 4x PoE (autodetect ) &1x uplink 10/100.
In pachet cu sursa externa 51V/ 1.25A  (63W full protected),
Acesta poate detecta automat si furniza energie pentru toate dispozitivele portabile(PD)IEEE 802.3af/compliant. Activarea modulului Ethernet Extend face porturile 1-4 sa imparta la rata de duplex totala de 10M si sa se izoleze unu de altul,dar toate comunicand cu portul Uplink.
Comutator manual pe panoul frontal pentru extinderea la 250metri in modul surveillance. Distanta maxima este oferita pe cabluri UTP de cupru de calitate AWG24/AWG23

Pret vechi 149.31 LEI
Pret nou
121.94 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 145.10 LEI
Disponibilitate : Indisponibil
F1110P-8-102WSwitch 10port cu 8*10/100 PoE+ , 2*10/100/1000 Gigabit nonPOE, CCTV 250m (102W) IP-COM - F1110P-8-102W

F1110P-8-102W este switch POE cu 8 porturi POE 10/100M + 2 port Uplink 10/100/1000M pentru surveillance, cu protectie la fulgere 6kV special proiectat pentru alimentarea PoE a camerelor IP sau routere/ AP instalate in exterior, cu extindere pana la 250mt in mod surveillance. Prezinta trei moduri de lucru: Default / VLAN /Extend (CCTV)
Este livrat la pachet impreuna cu sursa externa PoE de 102 Watt ( 51 volt, 2A; ( poate fi upgradat si cu surse de 120W sau 150W)
Acesta ofera 10/100 Base-TX porturi RJ45 si 2 porturi 10/100/1000 Base-T RJ45 porturi. Porturi 1-8 suport IEEE 802.3la PoE cu fiecare port furnizeaza putere de 15,4 W, sau IEEE 802.3af PoE+ (30W) Întregul dispozitiv poate furniza alimentare POE clientilor de 102W. 

Pret vechi 405.42 LEI
Pret nou
271.38 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 322.94 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-SF1008PSwitch desktop PoE 8-porturi 10/100M TP-Link - TL-SF1008P

Switch desktop 8-porturi 10/100M, 4 porturi POE, carcasa metalica

Pret : 225.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 267.75 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
6108ghFull Gigabit 8Port Switch /4 *PoE+ 30W, 802.3at & 4 *gigabit uplink Stonet - PE6108GH

8 Port Gigabit Ethernet PoE Switch half POE/
echipat cu 4 Port PoE/802.3at/af

Pret vechi 401.39 LEI
Pret nou
342.37 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 407.41 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-POE150SPoE injector gigabit 48V/15.5W TP-Link - TL-POE150S

POE injector gigabit: 1 port PoE, se conformeaza IEEE 802.3af, permite transfer de date si de energie pe acelasi cablu pana la 100m, carcasa plastic, format de buzunar, plug and play, RoHS.

Pret : 66.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 78.54 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
box_GSD-604HPv3Switch POE 4 porturi Gigabit + 2 porturi Uplink Gigabit (55Wati) Planet - GSD-604HP

4-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T Desktop Switch (External 55 Watts)

Pret vechi 316.67 LEI
Pret nou
266.67 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 317.34 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
PE6108GGigabit POE Switch 802.3at, 8 port POE total 155Watt intern; metal /rack 19'' Stonet - PE6108G

8 Port Gigabit Ethernet PoE Switch 802.3at/af, 8 Port PoE giga- maxim 30W/port,
montabil in rack 19";
19 inch steel housing/ Stonet Switch POE 19'' 8-port 1 GB (8 ports POE 30W/Port max 120W) PE6108G

Pret vechi 566.67 LEI
Pret nou
447.44 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 532.45 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
S3300-18-PWR-MIPCOM 18 port WEB smart PoE Switch cu 16*POE+ & 2 port * Gigabit TP/SFP combo, protectie fulgere 6kV, 250 m surveillance mode IP-COM - S3300-18-PWR-M
16 porturi   PoE 10/100Mbps +2 Port uplink Gigabit TP/SFP combo
Buget PoE: 230W.
Distanta de transmisie PoE poate ajunge pana la 250 de metri.
Protectie fulgere: 6KV
Functiile WEB smart includ QVLAN, link aggregation, QoS, MAC binding
Pret : 784.96 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 934.11 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
4 Ports Poe Switch4 Ports Poe Switch UTEPO - UTP3-SW04-TP60

UTP3-SW04-TP60 is a security surveillance Ethernet Switch which aims at Ethernet high definition surveillance and security system. The product fully combines the characteristics of security surveillance, provides fast packet forwarding ability and abundant backplane bandwidth, which ensures clear image and fluent transmission. ESD and surge protection circuit can improve product stability. The product supports one key CCTV model, with VLAN function can restrain the network storm, protect the information security, prevent the viral transmission and cyber attack, fully satisfy the Ethernet video security surveillance system and Ethernet project needs. 

Pret vechi 176.72 LEI
Pret nou
135.62 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 161.39 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
PoE InjectorIPCOM PoE15F Injector 48V/ 0.4A, 10/100Mbps, 19W, 3ani garantie IP-COM - PSE15F
Injectorul PoE PSE15F poate realiza transmiterea sincrona a datelor de retea si putere prin intermediul unui cablu Ethernet (Cat.5). Puterea de iesire  19.20 W care poate servi ca iesire pentru un dispozitiv PoE (alimentare RJ45). Poate fi conectat la un dispozitiv compatibil IEEE 802.302af,cum ar fi: AP, camera IP, switch IP, IP-phone, etc
Pret : 52.88 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 62.93 LEI
Disponibilitate : Indisponibil
box_FGSW-1822VHPv3Switch PoE 16-Port 10/100TX 802.30at PoE + 2-Port Gigabit RJ45 + 2-Port 1000X SFP (300W) Planet - FGSW-1822VHP

16-Port 10/100TX 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T + 2-Port 1000X SFP Ethernet Switch with smart color LCD (300W PoE Budget, Standard/VLAN/Extend mode, PoE Budget, bandwidth control, PD alive check setup over LCD )

Pret : 1,271.47 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,513.05 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-POE10RPoE Splitter -iesire 12V; 9V; 5V TP-Link - TL-POE10R

IEEE 802.3af compliant, Selectable power output, Gigabit speed support, Plug-and-Play, requires no configuration

Pret : 50.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 59.50 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_GS-4210-24P(L)4Cv2 (1)Switch POE Gigabit 24 port + 4 port Combo TP/SFP (440W) Planet - GS-4210-24PL4C

24-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 4-Port Gigabit TP/SFP Combo Managed Switch

Pret : 2,110.54 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,511.54 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
Switch PoE 802.3at Desktop 8 porturi 10/100mbpsSwitch PoE 802.3at Desktop 8 porturi 10/100mbps Planet - FSD-808HP

Switch PoE 802.3at Desktop 8 porturi 10/100mbps

Pret vechi 445.12 LEI
Pret nou
280.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 333.20 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
Gigabit PoE InjectorIPCOM-Gigabit PoE Injector 30W, 802.3AT, 5 ani garantie IP-COM - PSE30G-AT

vezi si produsul echivalent POE30G-AT
Gigabit PoE Injector 30W / 48V, IEEE 802.3AT compliant, pentru aplicatii profesionale
functie auto-detect pentru ( puterea solicitata de device-ul PoE); include sursa externa de 30watt  & cablu 220Volt tip laptop (laptop conector)
PSE30G-AT poate porni automat,avand functie la scurtcircuit pentru a intrerupe alimentarea electrica atunci cand primeste un curent prea mare,sau in cazul intreruperii electricitatii,pentru a prevenii epuizarea echipamentului si a defectarii retelei cauzate de intreruperea alimentarii cu energie.Aceasta functiei face ca PSE30G-AT sa poate fi aplicat pe o scara larga la dispozitive de retea fara fir,bluetooth,IP-telefon,compatibil cu IEE 802.3af/at.Se potriveste cu separatorul Ethernet Power pentru a schimba reteaua curenta in sursa LAN,pentru o gestionare usoara,pentru a consolida controlul si a pentru a reduce costul de intretinere.

Pret : 95.32 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 113.44 LEI
Disponibilitate : Indisponibil
G3210PIPCOM 8-Port Gigabit+2*SFP Managed PoE Switch, protectie fulgere IP-COM - G3210P
G3210P, IP-COM 8G+2SFP Managed PoE Switch is right for remote Gigabit wireless cabling and HD monitoring network. Besides with access of high performance, it provides 8 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet ports and 2 extra independent 1000Base-X Gigabit SFP ports. Ports 1~8 support IEEE 802.3af PoE (15.4W) or 802.3at PoE+ (30W) standard; up to 40W power output per PoE port; and can supply electricity to high-power PDs such as dual band/11AC devices; supply electricity and transmit data at the same time to AP, IP Camera or IP Phone via Cat.5e twisted-pair cables.
Pret vechi 702.15 LEI
Pret nou
511.18 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 608.31 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_POE-E304v21-Port Ultra PoE to 4-Port 802.3af/at Gigabit PoE Extender Planet - POE-E304

1-Port Ultra PoE to 4-Port 802.3af/at Gigabit PoE Extender

Pret : 347.62 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 413.66 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_WGS-804HPv1.18-Port 10/100/1000T Wall Mounted Gigabit Ethernet Switch with 4-Port PoE+ Planet - WGS-804HP

8-Port 10/100/1000T Wall Mounted Gigabit Ethernet Switch with 4-Port PoE+

Pret : 664.76 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 791.07 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
PE6310HSwitch smart PoE 10 Port gigabit uplink, 4*POE 10/100 +4 *10/100+ 2 combo gigabit SFP/ GE 10/100/1000 Stonet - PE6310H

8FE+2 Combo-Port Gigabit Ethernet SNMP PoE Switch

4 POE ports din 8 port *10/100 + 2 port uplink combo gigabit 10/100/1000 & SFP minigbic
2 Combo-Port Gigabit Ethernet SNMP PoE Switch ( sursa 75 watt intern)
porturile 1 la 4 pot furniza o putere maxima de 30W/ port, puterea totala pe cele 4 porturi fiind de 75Watt

The 8FE+2 Combo-Port Gigabit Ethernet SNMP PoE Switch PE6310H provides a great selection for expanding your home or office network. it is fully complies with IEEE802.3/802.3u/802.3z Ethernet standards. It provides 8*10/100Mbps RJ45 Ports and 2 Combo 10/100/1000Mbps SFP Slots. Port 1 to port 4 support Power over Ethernet(PoE) function.It can automatically detect and supply power with the IEEE 802.3at/af compliant Powered Devices (PDs), like PoE APs, IP Phones,IP cameras, etc. It also provides powerful management functions, including 802.1p (QoS), DiffServ(QoS), IGMP Snooping, 802.1w (Rapid Spanning Tree), Link Aggregation, 802.1q (VLANs), 802.1x and more. It's a perfect way to extend your network structure.

Pret vechi 528.81 LEI
Pret nou
396.61 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 471.96 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
POE15FInjector PoE IEEE 802.3af, 10/100Mbps 48V/400mA, 19W, 2*RJ45 Tenda - POE15F

 PoE injector 10/100 tensiune 48V/15.5W, sursa PoE full protection, plug & play;
1*FE data in / 1FE ( data +power) out

The PoE injector PoE15F can realize synchronous delivery of device network data and power via one Ethernet cable (Cat.5 or better). The output power of per port is up to 15,5 W, which can serve as an outlet for a PoE device (powering via RJ45 port). You can connect PoE15F to an IEEE 802.3af compliant PD, such as wireless AP, IP camera, IP phone, etc. In a sense, it is a good choice for you to reduce the installation cost and improve the network performance.

Pret vechi 52.88 LEI
Pret nou
43.48 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 51.75 LEI
Disponibilitate : Indisponibil
FGSD-1022VHPv2.18-Port 10/100TX PoE + 2-Port Gigabit TP/SFP Combo, LCD Planet - FGSD-1022VHP

8-Port 10/100TX 802.3at PoE + 2-Port Gigabit TP/SFP combo Desktop Switch with LCD PoE Monitor (120 Watts)

Pret : 743.69 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 884.99 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_FGSW-2622VHPv324-Port 10/100TX PoE + 2-Port Gigabit TP/SFP Combo with LCD Planet - FGSW-2622VHP

24-Port 10/100TX 802.3at PoE + 2-Port Gigabit TP/SFP Combo Ethernet Switch with LCD PoE Monitor (300W)

Pret : 1,511.37 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,798.53 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
S3300-10-PWR-MIPCOM-10port WEB Smart PoE Switch 8-Port POE+ 2 combo Gigabit TP/SFP, rackmount, 3years warranty, 6kV protection IP-COM - S3300-10-PWR-M
WEB smart optic POE switch8 porturi PoE 10/100Mbps +2 Port uplink Gigabit TP/SFP combo
Buget PoE: 123W.
Distanta de transmisie PoE poate ajunge pana la 250 de metri.
Protectie fulgere: 6KV
Functiile WEB smart includ QVLAN, link aggregation, QoS, MAC binding
Pret : 550.46 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 655.04 LEI
Disponibilitate : Indisponibil
box_BSP-360v3Industrial Renewable Power 5-Port Gigabit Managed Switch/Router with 4-Port 802.3at PoE+ Planet - BSP-300

IP30 Industrial Renewable Energy 4-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE+ Managed Ethernet Switch/Router (-10 to 60 degree C, 4-Port Gigabit 802.3at PoE+ injector + 1-Port Gigabit Ethernet; 24V/1A DC output, Web management, 400-watt PV power input, MPPT battery charge controller, supports Lithium battery and lead-acid battery)

Pret : 2,919.97 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 3,474.76 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
TEF1109PSwitch PoE+ 9 port 10/100 Mbps cu 8 PoE+ &uplink, surveillance 150m, protectie 6kV, sursaPoE 127watt 51V/2.5A Tenda - TEF1109P-127W

Acest switch PoE Tenda fabricat in serie limitata pentru camere de mare putere are in pachet inclusa o sursa externa PoE 51V de mare putere 127Watt, protectii avansate la fulgere 6kV, mode CCTV selectabil din buton, si o garantie 2 ani. Este ambalat in cutie retail- dimensiuni mici de gabarit ( on the field).
TEF1109P, 9-Port 100M Unmanaged Tenda Switch with 8 PoE ports, is specialized on wireless and monitoring networks. It adopts professional PoE swtich solution, provides 9 10/100M auto-negotiated RJ45 ports;  
Comutator manual in mod surveillance, extinde raza de actiune la peste 150metri de cablu.
Ports 1~8 support IEEE802.3af/IEEE802.3at PoE power supply, and can automatically detect and identify the IEEE802.3af/IEEE802.3at-based powered devices, and can suppply PoE power for them via Ethernet cables. The uplink port is equipped with professional lightning protection circuit, which is 4KV lightning-proof. One-key VLAN devision feature can help restraint broadcast storm and defense DHCP spoofing. UPNP and zero configuration save you a lots using troubles; moreover, PoE supply makes power cabling more easily and flexibly. with superb packing retail

Pret : 228.94 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 272.44 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
PE-61088 Ports Fast Ethernet Switch Integrate 8 POE Ports 135W internal power Stonet - PE6108

8  Ports Fast Ethernet Switch Integrate 8 POE Ports, autodetectie
FULL POWER, 135W, rack mount 13inch metal

Pret : 354.17 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 421.46 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
POE-172Single-Port 10/100/1000Mbps Ultra PoE Injector (60W) Planet - POE-172

PLANET POE-172 Ultra Power over Ethernet Injector provides a maximum of 60watt power and high-speed Ethernet data connection anywhere in your network infrastructure.

Pret : 249.98 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 297.47 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
poe-164Adaptor power over ethernet Planet - POE-164

Adaptor POE, se conformeaza standardului IEEE 802.3at/af, maxim 30W/port, permite transfer de date si de energie pe acelasi cablu pana la 100m,

Pret vechi 130.15 LEI
Pret nou
95.21 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 113.30 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_POE-E202v1.11-Port 802.3at PoE+ to 2-Port 802.3af/at Gigabit PoE Extender Planet - POE-E202

Injector/Repetor POE, 1 port 802.3at PoE+ la 2 porturi POE Gigabit 802.3af/at.

Pret : 288.36 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 343.15 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
PoE30G-ATInjector 30Watt PoE Gigabit IEEE802.3at Tenda - POE30G-AT

Tenda PoE30G-AT is IEEE802.3at Gigabit PoE Injector, fully complies wtih 802.3at standard, it enables to delivery power by Ethernet cable, maximum transfer distance is up to 100 meters. The PoE Injector features over two Ethernet Gigabit data port and a output port combined data and power. Also, the device enables to IEEE802.3af/at-compliant PoE power application for Ethernet device such as wireless AP, VoIP phone and web cam. PoE30G-AT supplies power by Ethernet cable, not only providing system reliability, traditional electric network extension but simplifing electric wires deployment.

Pret : 88.62 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 105.45 LEI
Disponibilitate : Indisponibil
G1024DIPCOM 24-port Gigabit, rackabil 19" rackmount kit, lighting protection 6kV, 5 years IP-COM - G1024D
24-Ports Gigabit Switch, 24 * 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports, unmananged plug & play.
Lightning protection for each port up to 6KV.
8K MAC address table; 19" mountable steel case, fanless design.
Garantie 3 ani.
Pret : 403.76 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 480.47 LEI
Disponibilitate : Indisponibil
UTP3-PFD01PoE Finder Tester - verificator POE alimentarea pe FTP/UTP a camerelor POE 48V UTEPO - UTP3-PDF01

Verifica daca este furnizata tensiunea PoE la capatul cablului si daca sunt corecte conexiunile:
The PoE finder detects the existence of PoE power supply and the proper functioning of PoE, which simplify the detection and recognition for PoE network. It differentiates between midspan (
4/5, /7/8) and end-span(1/2, /3/6) PoE power supply & supports IEEE802.3af/at with initiative and passive PoE

Pret vechi 58.17 LEI
Pret nou
40.54 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 48.25 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
9 Ports Gigabit POE Switch10 Ports Gigabit POE Switch ( 8*POE giga+giga uplink+1.25G SFP fiber port, 120W Braun Group - GP811H

Switch PoE plus ( 802.3 af/AT) cu 10 porturi gigabit si 8 porturi PoE  & doua porturi de uplink , cupru gigabit & SFP 1.25G gigabit 1000x slot. Furnizeaza PoE pe 8 port* gigabit 10/100/1000 (max 120W). Constructie compacta otel cu flansa pentru instalare in closere / spatii inguste.
are protectie la fulgere 4kV
include in pachet PSU 120Watt ( 48V*2.5A) , in 100-240Vac
with 9 auto-negotiation, auto MDI/MDIX RJ45 ports,1-8 ports support IEEE 802.3af/at POE standard, plug and play; Fiber uplink
With the innovative energy-efficient technology, users can choose the PoE switch according power consumption, making it an eco-friendly solution for home/business networking.

Pret vechi 517.06 LEI
Pret nou
475.93 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 566.36 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
POE-163Adaptor power over ethernet gigabit Planet - POE-163EU

Adaptor POE, 10/100/1000, se conformeaza standardului IEEE 802.3at/af, maxim 30W/port, permite transfer de date si de energie pe acelasi cablu pana la 100m,

Pret : 148.74 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 177.00 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
9 Ports Gigabit POE SwitchSwitch Gigabit PoE 10Port cu 8PoE gigabit & Uplink Giga-Cu & SFP & 96w POE sursa Braun Group - GP811+96W sursa

Switch full Gigabit POE ( 802.3 af/AT) cu 10 porturi gigabit si 8 porturi PoE & doua porturi de uplink , cupru gigabit & SFP 1.25G gigabit 1000x slot. Furnizeaza PoE pe 8 port* gigabit 10/100/1000 (max 96W). Constructie compacta cu flansa pentru instalare in closere / spatii inguste. Protectie la fulgere.
sursa 48V, 2A , alimentare 100V-240V
with 9 auto-negotiation, auto MDI/MDIX RJ45 ports,1-8 ports support IEEE 802.3af/at PoE standard, plug and play; With the innovative energy-efficient technology, users can choose the PoE switch according power consumption, making it an eco-friendly solution for home/business networking.

Pret vechi 470.06 LEI
Pret nou
428.93 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 510.42 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_GSW-2620HPv4Switch POE Gigabit 24 port + 2 port SFP (240W) Planet - GSW-2620HP

19" 24-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 1000X SFP Unmanaged Gigabit Ethernet Switch  (240W PoE Budget, Standard/VLAN/Extend mode)

Pret : 1,257.08 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,495.92 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
box_GS-4210-24P2Sv3Switch PoE 24-port 10/100/1000T 802.3at +2-port SFP Management (300W) Planet - GS-4210-24P2S

IPv4, 24-Port Managed 802.3at POE+ Gigabit Ethernet Switch + 2-Port 100/1000X SFP (300W PoE Budget, 250m Extend mode, supports ERPS Ring, MQTT and cybersecurity features)

Pret : 1,763.27 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,098.29 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
106POE Switch 5Port (4 Port PoE/802.3at/af), sursa ext. 60W (48V /1.25A) Stonet - PE6105

The stonet PE6105 Fast Ethernet PoE Switch provides a great selection for expanding your home or office network. It provides 5 10/100Mbps RJ45 ports , port 1 to port 4 support Power over Ethernet(PoE) function. It can automatically detect and supply power with the IEEE 802.3at/af compliant Powered Devices (PDs), like PoE APs, IP Phones,IP cameras, etc.In this case, the electrical power is transmitted along with data in one single cable allowing you to expand your network to where there are no power lines or outlet
complies with both 802.3at/af standards, supplying up to 30W per port. allow to connect Dual-Band Wi-Fi access points and PTZ IP cameras; small-size metal housing 

  • 5 10/100Mbps Auto-Negotiation RJ45 ports, 4PoE function
  • Supports PoE power up to 30W for each PoE port ,60W for all PoE ports
  • Supports PoE IEEE 802. 3at/af compliant Powered Device (PD)
  • IEEE 802.3x flow control for Full Duplex mode and backpressure for Half Duplex mode
  • 1Gbps switching fabric capacity/backplane bandwidth
  • Supports 2K MAC address table, MAC address auto-learning & auto-aging
  • Green Ethernet technology for effective power saving
  • LED indicators for simple diagnostics and management
  • Plug and play ,no configuration required
  • Steel case, with external power supply


Pret : 130.71 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 155.54 LEI
Disponibilitate : Indisponibil
TEG3210PSwitch PoE cu management 8G+2SFP Tenda - TEG3210P V1.0

TEG3210P, Tenda 8G+2SFP Managed PoE Switch is right for remote Gigabit wireless cabling and HD monitoring network. Besides with access of high performance, it provides 8 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet ports and 2 extra independent 1000Base-X Gigabit SFP ports. Ports 1~8 support IEEE 802.3af PoE (15.4W) or 802.3at PoE+ (30W) standard; up to 40W power output per PoE port; and can supply electricity to high-power PDs such as dual band/11AC devices; supply electricity and transmit data at the same time to AP, IP Camera or IP Phone via Cat.5 twisted-pair cables. In addition to these, it provides stronger safety protection system, improved QoS policy, multiple VLAN features and higher availability of maintenance. To sum up, Tenda 8G+2SFP Managed PoE Switch is an ideal and safe switch for easy use.

Pret vechi 693.33 LEI
Pret nou
511.18 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 608.31 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
GS-4210-24P4Cv2Switch POE Gigabit 24 port + 4 port Combo TP/SFP (280W) Planet - GS-4210-24P4C

IPv6/IPv4, 24-Port Managed 802.3at PoE+ Gigabit Ethernet Switch + 4-Port Gigabit Combo TP/SFP (280W PoE Budget, 250m Extend mode, supports ERPS Ring, CloudViewer app, MQTT and cybersecurity features)

Pret : 1,861.62 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,215.33 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
IPG2P2SIndustrial Gigabit switch 2PoE+ 2SFP = MC bridge POE giga Braun Group - IPG2P2S industrial

Industrial Media converter bridge-gigabit POE+ cu doua porturi SFP & doua porturi PoE+,
Industrial Switch 2*10/100/1000 PoE + 2 Gigabit SFP, Industrial, 802.3 af/at, puterea maxima =30W/ port, output voltage DC 48-57V ;
Industrial temperature range;   DIN RAIL; PoE Power nu este inclusa

Pret : 702.44 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 835.90 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_GSD-1008HPv28-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T Desktop Switch Planet - GSD-1008HP

8-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T Desktop Switch (120W PoE Budget, Standard/VLAN/Extend mode, supports PD alive check, 10-inch and rack-mountable)

Pret : 492.75 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 586.38 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_FSD-604HPv1.14-Port 10/100TX 802.3af/at PoE + 2-Port 10/100TX Desktop Switch (60W) Planet - FSD-604HP

4-Port 10/100TX 802.3at POE + 2-Port 10/100TX Desktop Switch (60W POE Budget, 250m Extend mode, fanless, internal Power Supply)

Pret : 184.72 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 219.82 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
G3224T 24-Port Gigabit Web-smart SwitchSwitch smart gigabit IPCOM 26 port enterprise, protectie fulgere pt Surveillance/ Security, 24P giga RJ45( nonPOE) + 2 SFP, Layer 2, 3 ani garantie IP-COM - G3224T

G3224T is GE layer 2 and non-blocked switch, designed for building high-performance GE networking. Provide 24 10/100/1000Mbps autosensing RJ45 ports and 2 GE fiber ports. Provide comprehensive security defense system, QoS and VLAN, hardware for layer 2 wire-speed switching.
With powerful security capacity and rich features, the device can meet various application needs for large-sized businesses, bars, parks and data center.

Pret : 702.44 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 835.90 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
box_FGSD-1011HPv1.18-Port 10/100TX 802.3at PoE + 1-Port 10/100/1000T + 1-Port 100/1000X SFP Desktop Switch (120 watts) Planet - FGSD-1011HP

8-Port 10/100TX 802.3at PoE + 1-Port 10/100/1000T + 1-Port 100/1000X SFP Desktop Switch (120W PoE Budget, Standard/VLAN/Extend mode, 10-inch and rack-mountable)

Pret : 341.38 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 406.24 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
F1024 V5.0IPCOM Switch 24Port 10/100M rack-19'', protectie fulgere 6kV, 3 ani garantie -8k Mac (TEF1024) IP-COM - F1024 V5.0
24-Ports 10/100M Unmanaged Switch, 1U 19-inch rack-mountable steel case , 8K MAC Address Table;
Support MAC address Self learning  Auto MDI/MDIX, broadcast storm protection, buffer zone auto distribution;
Metal Housing, internal PSU, green energy saving >30% power consumption
Pret vechi 174.73 LEI
Pret nou
135.77 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 161.56 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
TEG1009P-EISwitch desktop 9 porturi Gigabit cu 8 porturi PoE Tenda - TEG1009P-EI

Tenda TEG1009P-EI is 9-Port Gigabit Desktop Switch with 8-Port PoE, providing 9 GE Base-T Ethernet ports. 1-8 ports supports IEEE802.3af PoE(15.4W) or 4 ports 802.3at PoE(30W). Through conventional Cat 5 twisted pair, power can be transmitted along with data for AP, IP Camera and IP Phone. Plus, the device complies with 802.3az(EEE) standard, and is designed with superior performance such as 9th uplink port for lightning protection, PoE dynamic power, lower power consumption and fan-less. Thus, Wireless coverage, safety project, difficult power supply of end-device, maintenance hassle are effectively solved, TEG1009P is ideal for you to lower cost greatly.

Pret : 543.50 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 646.76 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
IPX8P2RPOE switch 8 PorturiPoE Braun Group - IPX8P2R

Switch 8*10/100 PoE + 2*10/100 Uplink Industrial, 802.3 af/at, 1 port max 30W, IP40, DC 48-57V 

Pret : 646.33 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 769.13 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
IPS33064PF-at6-Port Industrial PoE Switch Braun Group - IPS33064PF-at

6-port Industrial Gigabit PoE Switch with 4PoE Ports and 2 Gigabit Fiber Ports

Pret : 872.54 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,038.33 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
MDP4P1RPOE Switch Metal Desk PoE (10/100) with 4POE + 1*Rj45 uplink Braun Group - MDP4P1R

POE Switch   == Metal Desk PoE (10/100) with 4POE + 1*Rj45 uplink, cu alimentator incorporat

Pret : 158.64 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 188.78 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
GSD-1222VHPv1.1Switch Gigabit 8-Port PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T + 2-Port 1000X SFP, Monitor LCD Planet - GSD-1222VHP

Switch Gigabit 8-Port PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T + 2-Port 1000X SFP, Monitor LCD, 120W

Pret : 814.15 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 968.84 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
9 Ports PoE Switch9 Ports faster Poe switch with 120W Poe Power Braun Group - FP801H

with 9 auto-negotiation,auto MDI/MDIX RJ45 ports,1-8 ports support IEEE 802.3af/at PoE standard, plug and play; With the innovative energy-efficient technology, users can choose the PoE switch according power consumption, making it an eco-friendly solution for home/business networking.

Pret : 358.42 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 426.52 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
MFP4P1RPOE Switch Metal Flanche PoE (10/100) with 4POE + 1*Rj45 uplink Braun Group - MFP4P1R

POE Switch   == Metal Flanche PoE (10/100) with 4POE + 1*Rj45 uplink, cu alimentator

Pret : 175.68 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 209.06 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
IPS31108PF-at10-Port Industrial PoE Switch Braun Group - IPS31108PF-at

10-Port Industrial PoE Switch, 2x 100/1000Base SFP fiber combo port sockets

Pret : 1,983.05 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,359.82 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
MPG7P1GPOE Switch Metal Desk PoE (10/100) with 4POE + 1*Fiber SM module 155M Braun Group - MPG7P1G

POE Switch   ==Metal PoE-switch Gigabit with 7PoE giga+1*Giga Uplink, desktop, cu alimentator

Pret : 475.93 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 566.36 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
SL2428P_UN_6.20_01_large_20240227072818iOmada 24-Port 10/100 Mbps + 4-Port Gigabit Smart Switch with 24-Port PoE+ (250W) TP-Link - SL2428P

PORT: 24× 10/100 Mbps PoE+ Ports, 4× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports, 2× Combo Gigabit SFP Slots
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 250 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: 802.1Q VLAN, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP Snooping, 802.1p/DSCP QoS, ACL, 802.1x, Radius/Tacacs+ Authentication, LACP, CLI, SNMP, Dual Image, IPv6

Pret : 1,235.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,469.65 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
POE-171SSingle-Port 10/100/1000Mbps Ultra PoE Splitter (12V/19V/24V) Planet - POE-171S

PoE Splitter -56V, tensiune iesire 12V; 9V; 24V
Receptor adaptor PoE, se conformeaza IEEE 802.3at/af, permite transfer de date si de energie pe acelasi cablu pana la 100m, carcasa plastic, format de buzunar, plug and play, RoHS:

Pret : 328.66 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 391.11 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
9 Ports PoE Switch8Poe FE-9Port 10/100 Switch ,Uplink port,96W,Poe Power Braun Group - FP801

With 9 auto-negotiation,auto MDI/MDIX RJ45 ports,1-8 ports support IEEE 802.3af/at PoE standard, plug and play; With the innovative energy-efficient technology, users can choose the PoE switch according power consumption, making it an eco-friendly solution for home/business networking

Pret : 311.41 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 370.58 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
IPS33064PF6-Port Industrial PoE Switch Braun Group - IPS33064PF

6-port Industrial Gigabit PoE Switch with 4PoE Ports and 2 Gigabit Fiber Ports

Pret : 775.60 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 922.96 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
IPS31096PF-at9-Port Industrial PoE Switch Braun Group - IPS31096PF-at

9-port Industrial PoE Switch with 6 PoE Ports and 3 Gigabit Fiber Ports

Pret : 3,974.91 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 4,730.14 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
MPX4P1FSPOE Switch Metal Desk PoE (10/100) with 4POE + 1*Fiber SM module 155M Braun Group - MPX4P1FS

POE Switch   == Metal Desk PoE (10/100) with 4POE + 1*Fiber SM module 155M, cu alimentator

Pret : 264.41 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 314.65 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
IPS31108PF10-Port Industrial PoE Switch Braun Group - IPS31108PF

10-Port Industrial PoE Switch, 2x 100/1000Base SFP fiber combo port sockets

Pret : 1,639.32 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,950.79 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
IPS31108PF-M10-Port Managed Industrial PoE Switch Braun Group - IPS31108PF-M

10-Port Industrial PoE Switch, 2x 100/1000Base SFP fiber combo port sockets.


Pret : 2,027.11 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,412.26 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
GSW-2620VHPv3Switch POE Gigabit 24 port + 2 port Gigabit SFP si montor LCD (300W) Planet - GSW-2620VHP

Switch POE Gigabit 24 port + 2 port Gigabit SFP si montor LCD (300W)

Pret : 1,531.62 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,822.62 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
POE-171Single-Port 10/100/1000Mbps Ultra PoE Injector (60 Watts) Planet - POE-171

POE injector gigabit: 1 port PoE, se conformeaza IEEE 802.3at/af, permite transfer de date si de energie pe acelasi cablu pana la 100m, carcasa metal, format de buzunar, plug and play, RoHS.

Pret : 301.27 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 358.51 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
IPS31096PF9-Port Industrial PoE Switch Braun Group - IPS31096PF

9-port Industrial PoE Switch with 6 PoE Ports and 3 Gigabit Fiber Ports

Pret : 3,507.78 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 4,174.26 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
IPS31096PF-M9-Port Managed Industrial PoE Switch Braun Group - IPS31096PF-M

9-port Industrial PoE Switch with 6 PoE Ports and 3 Gigabit Fiber Ports.


Pret : 3,974.91 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 4,730.14 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
TL-SF1005DSwitch desktop 4-porturi PoE +1 port 10/100M TP-Link - TL-SF1005P

Switch desktop 5-porturi 10/100M, 4 porturi POE, carcasa metalica

Pret : 155.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 184.45 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
MPG4P2GGigabit POE switch 4 PorturiPoE Braun Group - MPG4P2G

Switch 4*10/100/1000 PoE + 2*10/100/1000 Uplink, 802.3 af/at, fiecare port suporta max 15,4W ( mod 802.3af ) sau max 30W ( mod 802.3at ), cu alimentator inclus

Pret : 346.67 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 412.53 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
POE Switch 10PortPOE Switch 10Port (8* PoE, max 30W/port), full protected, sursa PoE 120W, VLAN on/off, softstart PD, sequential boot-up, Stonet - P110C

Protectie la fulgere pe fiecare pin de conector RJ45
Stonet P110C este un switch POE 802.3at/af fast ethernet cu protectie la fulgere pentru surveillance care oferă 10 * 10 / 100M porturi adaptive RJ45 ( comuta automat 10Mbps pt POE  la max 250m)
Porturile 1 ~ 8 au capacitatea de alimentare POE (max 30W/port) și pot fi utilizate ca dispozitive Power over Ethernet direct de la sursa interna POE de 120W; Tensiunea de intrare 100V-240V.
comunicarea intre porturile POE poate fi interzisa prin comutatorul manual WLAN extend de pe panoul frontal. Este recomandabil sa setati WLAN=ON.

Portul de alimentare POE poate detecta și recunoaște automat dispozitivul alimentat care respectă standardul IEEE 802.3af / at.  
Manual switch WLAN on/off on front panel eliminate comunication between WLAN ports;
Support Soft Start of High  Power PD, sequential boot-up. Support over-current, over-voltage and short-circuit protection, Ligting protection 4kV pe port, 8kV pe sursa, garantie 3ani.


Pret vechi 184.15 LEI
Pret nou
139.36 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 165.83 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
SG1005PSwitch Gigabit 4-porturi PoE +1 port 10/100/1000M TP-Link - TL-SG1005P

Switch desktop 5-porturi 10/100/1000M, 4 porturi POE, carcasa metalica

Pret : 180.00 LEI
pret per bucata
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 214.20 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
POE Switch 6Port WLANPOE Switch 6Port WLAN compact (4Port PoE, max30W/port), lighting protection 65W POE intern, softstart PD, sequential boot-up, Stonet - P106C

Oferta speciala: 22EUR+TVA per bucata pentru comanda 10 buc.
Stonet P106C este un switch POE 802.3at/af fast ethernet cu protectie la fulgere pentru surveillance care oferă 6 * 10 / 100M porturi adaptive RJ45 
Porturile 1 ~ 4 au capacitatea de alimentare POE (max 30W/port) și pot fi utilizate ca dispozitive Power over Ethernet direct de la sursa interna POE de 65W; Tensiunea de intrare 100V-240V.
comunicarea intre porturile POE poate fi interzisa prin comutatorul manual WLAN extend de pe panoul frontal.
Portul de alimentare POE poate detecta și recunoaște automat dispozitivul alimentat care respectă standardul IEEE 802.3af / at.  
Manual switch WLAN on/off on front panel eliminate comunication between WLAN ports;
Support Soft Start of High  Power PD, sequential boot-up. Support over-current, over-voltage and short-circuit protection, Ligting protection 4kV, garantie 3ani.


Pret vechi 155.07 LEI
Pret nou
122.48 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 145.76 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
2Gigabit 10port POE Switch, 8* POE giga 120W + 2* GE uplink, 4kV lighting protection, 250mt surveillance mode Stonet - P110GC

The 8GE POE+2GE Gigabit POE Switch P110GCF 
4kV lighting protection, 250mt surveillance mode, sursa POE inerna 120Watt, carcasa compacta on-the field
provides a great selection for expanding your home, store or office network. It fully complies with IEEE802.3/802.3u/802.3ab/802.3z Ethernet standards. It provides 8*10/100/1000Mbps POE RJ45 Ports and 2 Gigabit uplink RJ45 ports. All POE RJ45 ports support Power over Ethernet function and it can automatically detect and supply power with the IEEE 802.3at/af compliant Powered Devices (PDs), like PoE APs, IP Phones, IP cameras, etc. It's a perfect way to extend your network structure.... 

Pret : 360.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 428.40 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
box_POE-E201v1.1_v21-Port 802.3at Gigabit POE+ Repetor (Extender) - 26W Planet - POE-E201

IEEE802.3at Gigabit POE+ Repeater (Extender) - High Power POE

Pret : 271.09 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 322.59 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
P124GH-2Switch 24*PoE 10/100M +4* 10/100/1000M RJ45 Uplink + 4*10/100/1000M SFP Uplink, Lighting protection Stonet - P124GH

Stonet P124GH is a 30 Ports standard POE switch that provides 24 FE POE ports , 4 Gigabit Up-link ports and 4 SFP fiber port. Ports 1~24 features POE power supply capability and can be used as Power over Ethernet devices. The power supply port can automatically detect and recognize the powered device that complies with the IEEE 802.3af/at standard and supply power through the network cable. 4 Gigabit uplink ports ensure a smooth transmission for NVR or up-link routers. P124GH is a most economical solution for HD security network.

Pret vechi 746.55 LEI
Pret nou
691.80 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 823.25 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
9 Port Fast Ethernet PoE Switch/ 4 Port PoE/ 802.3at/af9 Port POE Switch/ 4 Port PoE + 5Port*10/100, 802.3at/af, sursa externa 48V 1.25A, flansa Stonet - PE6109H

Switch PoE on the field, compact, cu flanse, cu posibilitate montare pe perete sau in dulapuri mici, cu sursa externa
The stonet PE6109H Fast Ethernet PoE Switch provides a great selection for expanding your home or office network. It provides 9 10/100Mbps RJ45 ports , port 6 to port 9 support Power over Ethernet(PoE) function. It can automatically detect and supply power with the IEEE 802.3at/af compliant Powered Devices (PDs), like PoE APs, IP Phones,IP cameras, etc.In this case, the electrical power is transmitted along with data in one single cable allowing you to expand your network to where there are no power lines or outlets.

Pret : 191.10 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 227.41 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
FGSW-2511PSwitch 24-Port 10/100TX PoE + 1-Port Gigabit TP/SFP Combo (190W) Planet - FGSW-2511P

24-Port 10/100TX 802.3at PoE + 1-Port Gigabit TP/SFP combo Ethernet Switch (190W PoE Budget, Standard/ VLAN/ QoS/ Extend mode).


Pret : 892.43 LEI
pret per bucata
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,061.99 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
1200x1500-P116GH-03(1)Switch Stonet P116GH ,16 PoE+2GE Uplink+1SFP Stonet - P116GH

Stonet P116GH is a 18 Ports standard POE switch that provides 16 FE POE ports , 2 Gigabit Up-link ports and 1 SFP fiber port. Ports 1~16 features POE power supply capability and can be used as Power over Ethernet devices. The power supply port can automatically detect and recognize the powered device that complies with the IEEE 802.3af/at standard and supply power through the network cable. 2 Gigabit uplink ports ensure a smooth transmission for NVR or up-link routers. P116GH is a most economical solution for HD security network.Rack Mountable, 19"

Pret : 401.53 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 477.83 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-SG3428MP_UN_1.0_01_large_1603785944578cOmanda Switch L2 PoE Smart 24-port Gigabit PoE+, 4x slot SFP (384W) TP-Link - SG3428MP

PORT: 24× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 4× Gigabit SFP Slots, RJ45/Micro-USB Console Port
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 384 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Integration with Omada SDN Controller,Static Routing, OAM, 802.1Q VLAN, QinQ, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP Snooping, 802.1p/DSCP QoS, ACL, 802.1x, Radius/Tacacs+ Authentication, LACP, CLI, SNMP, Dual Image/Configuration, IPv6

Pret : 1,880.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,237.20 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
POE-161Injector POE IEEE 802.3at Gigabit (30W) Planet - POE-161

Injector POE, IEEE 802.3at, 10/100/1000Mbps, maxim 30W/port, 

Pret : 148.74 LEI
pret per bucata
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 177.00 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-SG2210P(UNOmada Switch PoE 8xGigabit PoE + 2x SFP (61W) TP-Link - SG2210P

PORT: 8× Gigabit PoE Ports, 2× Gigabit SFP Slots
SPEC: 802.3af/at, 58 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Integration with Omada SDN Controller, 802.1Q VLAN, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP Snooping, 802.1p/DSCP QoS, ACL, 802.1x, Radius/Tacacs+ Authentication, LACP, CLI, SNMP, Dual Image, IPv6

Pret : 616.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 733.04 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
front24 PoE 10/100/1000 Base-T port + 4 TP/SFP Combo Ports D-Link - DGS-1210-24P

Switch POE 24 x 10/100/1000BaseT + 4 x TP/SFP Combo port, buget POE 193W

Pret : 1,956.61 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,328.36 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
G3224P24-Port Gigabit+4*SFP Combo Managed PoE Switch (360W) IP-COM - G3224P POE

Configuratie: 24-Port Gigabit POE +4*SFP Combo Managed 
Buget PoE: 360W

Pret : 1,343.89 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,599.23 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
front10-Port Gigabit Max PoE Smart Managed Switch including 2 SFP ports (8 x PoE ports, 130W PoE budget, fan) D-Link - DGS-1100-10MP

Switch POE 10-port - 8 x 10/100/1000BaseT + 2 x SFP port, management, buget POE 130W. 

Pret : 1,357.29 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,615.17 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
front26-Port Gigabit Max PoE Smart Managed Switch including 2 comb ports (24 x PoE ports, 370W PoE budget, fan) D-Link - DGS-1100-26MP

Switch POE 26-port - 24 x 10/100/1000BaseT + 2 x SFP Combo port, management, buget POE 370W. 

Pret : 2,461.92 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,929.68 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
SGS-5240-24P4XSwitch Gigabit L2+ POE Stackabil, 24-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 4-Port 10G SFP+ Planet - SGS-5240-24P4X

L2+ 24-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 4-Port 10G SFP+ Stackable Managed Switch (370-watt PoE budget, Hardware Layer3 IPv4/IPv6 Static Routing, ERPS Ring, hardware stacking up to 6 units, IP clustering up to 16 units)

Pret : 2,806.83 LEI
pret per bucata
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 3,340.13 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
front52-Port PoE Gigabit Smart Switch - 48 x PoE 10/100/1000Mbps - 4 x Combo 10/100/1000BaseT/SFP Port D-Link - DGS-1210-52MP

Switch Smart POE 52-Port - 48 x PoE 10/100/1000Mbps - 4 x Combo 10/100/1000BaseT/SFP Port, buget POE: 370W

Pret : 4,447.90 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 5,293.00 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
1200x1500-P110GH-02(1)Switch Stonet P110GH ,8*POE+2GE Uplink+1SFP Stonet - P110GH

Stonet P110GH is a 10 Ports standard POE switch that provides 8 FE POE ports , 2 Gigabit Up-link ports and 1 SFP fiber port. Ports 1~8 features POE power supply capability and can be used as Power over Ethernet devices. The power supply port can automatically detect and recognize the powered device that complies with the IEEE 802.3af/at standard and supply power through the network cable. 2 Gigabit uplink ports ensure a smooth transmission for NVR or up-link routers. P110GH is a most economical solution for HD security network.

Pret vechi 542.76 LEI
Pret nou
218.99 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 260.60 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
WGS-814HPSwitch Industrial Wall Mount 8 porturi gigabit/4 porturi POE+ (60W) Planet - WGS-814HP

P30 Industrial 8-Port 10/100/1000T Wall-mount Gigabit Switch with 4-Port 802.3at PoE+  (60W PoE Budget, Standard/VLAN/Extend mode, fanless, -20 to 60 C),54V 72W AC power adapter included

Pret : 606.95 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 722.27 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
504UP2-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3bt PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 1-Port Gigabit Desktop Switch (120W PoE Budget, BT/Legacy mode support) Planet - GSD-504UP

Switch POE 2-port 10/100/1000T POE+ (802.3bt) + 2-port 10/100/1000T PoE (802.3at) + 1-port Gigabit (120 watts)

Pret vechi 553.84 LEI
Pret nou
472.82 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 562.65 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-SG1218MPE16-port PoE+ gigabit RJ45, 2-port gigabit non-PoE RJ45 + 2-port combo gigabit SFP slots. TP-Link - TL-SG1218MPE

PORT: 16× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 2x Gigabit RJ45 Ports, 2× Gigabit SFP Slots, 
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 192 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: MTU/Port/Tag-based VLAN, QoS, IGMP Snooping, Web/Utility Management

Pret : 985.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,172.15 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
TL-POE160S(UN)PoE+ Injector 48V/30W TP-Link - TL-POE160S

PORT: 1× Gigabit PoE Port, 1× Gigabit Non-PoE Port
SPEC: 802.3at/af Compliant, 30W, Data and Power Carried over The Same Cable Up to 100 Meters, Plastic Case, Pocket Size

Pret : 77.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 91.63 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
FGSW-2624HPSv4Switch PoE 802.3at 24-Port 10/100TX + 2-Port Gigabit TP/SFP Combo Managed (240W) Planet - FGSW-2624HPS

24-Port 10/100TX 802.3at PoE +  2-Port Gigabit TP/SFP Combo Managed Ethernet Switch (240W, 250m Extend mode, IPv4/IPv6 Management, SNMPv3, 802.1s MSTP, 802.1x Authentication, ACL, PD Alive Check, Cybersecurity features)

Pret vechi 1,204.30 LEI
Pret nou
1,141.92 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,358.89 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-SG3452P_A_large_1611045685807qOmada Switch L2 Gigabit PoE, 48x port Gigabit PoE+ + 4x slot SFP Gigabit (384W) TP-Link - SG3452P

PORT: 48× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 4× Gigabit SFP Slots, RJ45/Micro-USB Console Port
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 384 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Integration with Omada SDN Controller,Static Routing, 802.1Q VLAN, QinQ, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP Snooping, 802.1p/DSCP QoS, ACL, 802.1x, Radius/Tacacs+ Authentication, LACP, CLI, SNMP, Dual Image/Configuration, IPv6

Pret : 2,960.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 3,522.40 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
105PE5-Port Gigabit Easy Smart Switch with 4-Port PoE+ TP-Link - TL-SG105PE

PORT: 4× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 1× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 65 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: MTU/Port/Tag-based VLAN, QoS, IGMP Snooping, Web/Utility Management, Plug and Play

Pret : 222.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 264.18 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
TL-SG2210MP(UN)Omada Switch PoE Smart 8- port Gigabit PoE+, + 2x SFP (105W) TP-Link - SG2210MP

PORT: 8× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 2× Gigabit SFP Slots
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 150 W PoE Power, 1U 13-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Integration with Omada SDN Controller, 802.1Q VLAN, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP Snooping, 802.1p/DSCP QoS, ACL, 802.1x, Radius/Tacacs+ Authentication, LACP, CLI, SNMP, Dual Image, IPv6

Pret : 815.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 969.85 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-SL1218MP16-Port 10/100 Mbps + 2-Port Gigabit Rackmount Switch with 16-Port PoE+ TP-Link - TL-SL1218MP

PORT: 16× 10/100 Mbps PoE+ Ports, 2× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports, 2× Combo Gigabit SFP Slots
HARDWARE: 802.3at/af, 192 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250 m PoE Transmitting, Priority Mode for Port 1-8, Plug and Play

Pret : 865.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,029.35 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
Switch PoE Stonet 24 GE POE+2GE SFP UplinkSwitch PoE Full Gigabit 24 gigabit POE+ 2 *SFP gigabit Uplink,19'' Stonet - P124GC

Stonet P124GC manufactured by Netis in 2023 is a 26 Ports standard POE switch that provides 24 GE POE ports , 2 SFP Up-link ports. Ports 1~24 features POE power supply capability and can be used as Power over Ethernet devices. The power supply port can automatically detect and recognize the powered device that complies with the IEEE 802.3af/at standard and supply power through the network cable. 2 SFP up-link ports are compatible with both optical fiber or network cables with different module, gigabit transmission rate ensure a smooth transmission for NVR or up-link routers.Rack mountable. 

Pret vechi 925.72 LEI
Pret nou
821.21 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 977.23 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
SG1008MP8-Port Gigabit Desktop Switch with 4-Port PoE TP-Link - TL-SG1008MP

8-Port Gigabit Switch with 8-Port PoE+
PORT: 8× Gigabit PoE+ Ports
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 126 W PoE Power, 1U 13-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Plug and Play

Pret : 495.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 589.05 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
TL-SX1008(UN)1.0-10G_Switch_02_large_1604567654682nSwitch Desktop 8-port 10G (Multi-Gigabit) TP-Link - TL-SX1008

PORT: 8× 10G RJ45 Ports
SPEC: 1U 13-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Plug and Play

Pret : 1,970.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,344.30 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
S3300-26-PWR-M(3)IPCOM Switch PoE Web Smart 24Port POE + 2 Gigabit TP/SFP Combo (370W) IP-COM - S3300-26-PWR-M
Switch rackabil Web smart, 24 port PoE 10/100Mbps +2 port Gigabit TP/SFP combo optic+cupru
Buget POE: 370W
MAC-Port Binding, Static Trunk Supports 3 groups of 4-Port trunk support, STP/RSTP, IGMP (v1/v2) Snooping
Support SNMP v1/v2 and WEB-based management
Protectie fulgere 6KV, garantie 5 ani
Pret : 1,135.37 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,351.09 LEI
Disponibilitate : Indisponibil
TL-SG1210P(UN)背面_normal_1576475519591nSwitch Desktop cu 10 porturi Gigabit si 8 porturi PoE+ (63W) TP-Link - TL-SG1210P

PORT: 8× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 1x Gigabit Non-PoE Port, 1× Gigabit SFP Slot
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 63 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Plug and Play

Pret : 335.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 398.65 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
P106GCSwitch Stonet P106GC,4GE POE+1GE Uplink +1GE SFP Gigabit Stonet - P106GC

Stonet 4GE POE+1GE Uplink +1GE SFP Gigabit AI POE Switch P106GC provides a great selection for expanding your home, store or office network. It fully complies with IEEE802.3/802.3u/802.3ab/802.3z Ethernet standards. It provides 4GE POE RJ45 Ports and 1 Gigabit uplink RJ45 port and 1GE SFP Port. All POE RJ45 ports support Power over Ethernet function and it can automatically detect and supply power with the IEEE 802.3at/af compliant Powered Devices (PDs). 

Pret : 218.99 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 260.60 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
TL-SG108-M2(UN)1.0,_2.5G_switch,_super_fast_02_large_1604913826767fSwitch 8-port 2.5 Gigabit (Mulit-Gigabit) TP-Link - TL-SG108-M2

PORT: 8× 2.5G RJ45 Ports
SPEC: Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Plug and Play

Pret : 382.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 454.58 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
SG1008P8-Port Gigabit Desktop Switch with 4-Port PoE TP-Link - SG1008P

8-Port Gigabit Desktop Switch with 4-Port PoE
PORT: 4× Gigabit PoE Ports, 4× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports
SPEC: 802.3af, 55 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Plug and Play

Pret : 235.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 279.65 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
7301PoE (EPOC) Ethernet Extender pe cablu Coaxial UTEPO - UTP7301EPOC
EPoC Ethernet extender can extend PoE network signal and supply PoE for remote cameras
Transmit network and PoE signal up to 500m via coaxial cable or 400m via Ethernet cable.
Pret : 141.84 LEI
pret per bucata
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 168.79 LEI
Disponibilitate : Indisponibil
TL-POE170S_UN_1.0_1_large_20211018012221qInjector PoE++ IEEE802.3af/at/bt, Gigabit 60 W TP-Link - TL-POE170S
POE injector gigabit: 2 port Gigabit. Compatibil cu standardele IEEE802.3af/at/bt*, oferă până la 60W.
Reduce costurile de infrastructură prin transmiterea simultană a datelor și energiei printr-un cablu Ethernet.
Poate fi plasat pe o suprafață plană sau montat pe perete.
Sursă de alimentare integrată. Carcasă durabilă din metal

** TL-POE170S nu este compatibil cu EAP235, EAP225 și EAP225-Outdoor. Pentru aceste EAP-uri, recomandăm folosirea unui TL-POE160S.

Pret : 200.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 238.00 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
GS-4210-8P2CSwitch Smart PoE Gigabit 8-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T+ 2-Port 100/1000X SFP Planet - GS-4210-8P2C

8-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T+ 2-Port 100/1000X SFP Managed Switch

Pret : 849.25 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,010.60 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
Switch PoE Stonet 16 GE POE+2GE UplinkSwitch PoE Stonet 16 GE POE+2GE Uplink,Rack Mountable, 19" Stonet - P116GC

Stonet P116GC is a 18 Ports standard POE switch that provides 16 GE POE ports , 2 Gigabit Up-link ports. Ports 1~16 features POE power supply capability and can be used as Power over Ethernet devices. The power supply port can automatically detect and recognize the powered device that complies with the IEEE 802.3af/at standard and supply power through the network cable

Pret : 716.69 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 852.86 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-SG105-M2(UN)1.0,_2.5G_switch,_super_fast__01_large_1604914007988wSwitch 5 Porturi, 2.5 Gigabit (Mulit-Gigabit) TP-Link - TL-SG105-M2

PORT: 5× 2.5G RJ45 Ports Multi-Gigabit
SPEC: Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Plug and Play

Pret : 220.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 261.80 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
POE-173_Single-Port 10/100/1000Mbps Ultra PoE Injector (60W) Planet - POE-173

PLANET POE-173 Ultra Power over Ethernet Injector

Pret : 239.90 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 285.48 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
G1109P-8-102W(3)Switch PoE IP-COM G1109P 9 Porturi Gigabit si 8 Porturi PoE,102W IP-COM - G1109P-8-102W
G1109P-8-102W este un Switch Gigabit cu 9 porturi si cu 8 porturi PoE. 
8 porturi RJ45 10/100/1000 BASE-TX. Porturile de la 1 la 8 acceptă standardul IEEE 802.3af/at PoE
Buget PoE: 92 W. Porturile au protecție la trăsnet de 6 kV


Pret : 330.17 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 392.91 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
box_GSW-2824PSwitch POE Gigabit 24-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T + 2-Port Gigabit TP/SFP Combo (250W) Planet - GSW-2824P

24-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T + 2-Port Gigabit TP/SFP Combo Ethernet Switch  (250W PoE Budget, Standard/VLAN/Extend mode, supports PD alive check)

Pret : 1,283.47 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,527.32 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
FGSD-1821P_01Switch Desktop 16-Port 10/100TX 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T + 1-Port shared 1000X SFP (185W) Planet - FGSD-1821P

16-Port 10/100TX 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T + 1-Port shared 1000X SFP Unmanaged Gigabit Ethernet Switch  (185W PoE Budget, Standard/VLAN/Extend mode, supports PD alive check, desktop size with rackmount kit)

Pret : 604.55 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 719.41 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
FGSW-1816HPSv3Switch PoE 802.3at 16-Port 10/100TX + 2-Port Gigabit TP/SFP Combo Managed (240W) Planet - FGSW-1816HPS

16-Port 10/100TX 802.3at PoE + 2-Port Gigabit TP/SFP Combo Managed Ethernet Switch (240W)

Pret : 1,045.96 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,244.70 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
overview_TL-SG3428XMP_large_1606737767860tOmanda Switch L2 PoE Smart 24-port Gigabit PoE+, 4-port 10GE SFP+ (384W) TP-Link - SG3428XMP

PORT: 24× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 4× 10G SFP+ Slots, RJ45/Micro-USB Console Port
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 384 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Integration with Omada SDN Controller,Static Routing, OAM, DDM, sFlow, 802.1Q VLAN, QinQ, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP Snooping, 802.1p/DSCP QoS, ACL, 802.1x, Radius/Tacacs+ Authentication, LACP, CLI, SNMP, Dual Image/Configuration, IPv6

Pret : 2,310.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,748.90 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-SG3452XP_UN_1.0_F_large_20211223063015gOmada Switch L2 Gigabit PoE, 48-port PoE+ Gigabit + 4-port 10G SFP+ (500W) TP-Link - SG3452XP

PORT: 48× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 4× 10G SFP+ Slots, RJ45/Micro-USB Console Port
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 500 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Integration with Omada SDN Controller,Static Routing, OAM, DDM, sFlow, 802.1Q VLAN, QinQ, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP Snooping, 802.1p/DSCP QoS, ACL, 802.1x, Radius/Tacacs+ Authentication, LACP, CLI, SNMP, Dual Image/Configuration, IPv6

Pret : 3,510.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 4,176.90 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_SGS-6310-24P4XSwitch PoE Gigabit L3, Stacabil, 24-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 4-Port 10G SFP+ Planet - SGS-6310-24P4X

Layer 3 24-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 4-Port 10G SFP+ Stackable Managed Switch (370W PoE budget, Hardware stacking up to 8 units, hardware-based Layer 3 IPv4/IPv6 Routing and VRRP, supports ERPS Ring)

Pret : 2,864.41 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 3,408.64 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-SL1218P(UN)1.0_Overview_01_large_1595313904832wSwitch 16-Port PoE 10/100 Mbps + 2-Port Gigabit (150W) TP-Link - TL-SL1218P

PORT: 16× 10/100 Mbps PoE+ Ports, 2× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports, 1× Combo Gigabit SFP Slot
HARDWARE: 802.3at/af, 150 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250 m PoE Transmitting, Priority Mode for Port 1-8, Isolation Mode, Plug and Play

Pret : 770.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 916.30 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
4GE POE+ 2 GE Uplink +1GE SFP Gigabit AI POE SwitchSwitch PoE gigabit 7 port P107GCJ, cu 4port PoE gigabit +2 GE Uplink + SFP Gigabit, total 65W/48V Braun Group - P106GCJ

Braun Group 4GE POE+2GE Uplink +1GE SFP Gigabit AI POE Switch P106GCJ provides a great selection for expanding your home, store or office network. It fully complies with IEEE802.3af /802.3at standard at PoE total power 150W. Support 2 * 100 Mbps power supply and 8 * 100 Mbps PoE power supply. Port automatically adapts  to MDI/MDIX mode.
POE power =65W /48V


Pret : 159.26 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 189.52 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
POE injector 24WPoE Injector 24Watt mid-spans 48V/500mA, compact, pentru camere IP Braun Group - POE24F

PoE Injector 24Watt mid-spans standard POE output 48V/500mA, pentru camere IP, compact design
* Compliant with isolation and channel
* Data and power carried over one Ethernet cable
* Characteristics of IEEE802.3af/at
* DC good LED
* Full protection OCP, OVP
* Non-vented case

Pret : 13.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 15.47 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
03_large_1617175699024qSwitch PoE Easy Smart, 8-port PoE + 2-port Gigabit Non-PoE + 1-port Combo Gigabit SFP TP-Link - TL-SG1210MPE

PORT: 8× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 2x Gigabit Non-PoE Ports, 1× Combo Gigabit SFP Slot
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 123 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: PoE Auto Recovery, MTU/Port/Tag-based VLAN, QoS, IGMP Snooping, Web/Utility Management, Plug and Play

Pret : 595.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 708.05 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
POE30GJInjector PoE 30W Braun Group gigabit ,10/100/1000Mbps. IEEE802.3at Braun Group - POE30W

 Reduced Installation cost

 Fully IEEE802.3af/IEEE802.3at compliant

 10/100/1000 Mbps supported

 Plug & Play. No configuration required

 Support dome cameras, wireless APs, etc

 Output power support up to 30W


Pret : 62.51 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 74.39 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
overview_TL-SL1311MP_03_large_1612403774760vSwitch 8-port PoE 10/100 Mbps + 3-port Gigabit (124W) TP-Link - TL-SL1311MP

PORT: 8× 10/100 Mbps PoE+ Ports, 2× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports, 1× Gigabit SFP Slots
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 124 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250m PoE Transmitting, Isolation Mode, PoE Auto Recovery, Plug and Play

Pret : 500.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 595.00 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_SGS-6310-48P6XR1Switch PoE Gigabit L3, Stacabil, 48-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 6-Port 10G SFP+ Planet - SGS-6310-48P6XR

Layer 3 48-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 6-Port 10G SFP+ Stackable Managed Switch (AC 370W, AC+DC 740 PoE budget, Hardware stacking up to 8 units, hardware-based Layer 3 IPv4/IPv6 Routing and VRRP, supports ERPS Ring)

Pret : 5,129.06 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 6,103.58 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
01_large_1595821490842uSwitch PoE Easy Smart, 24x Gigabit PoE+, 2x Gigabit Non-PoE + 2x Gigabit SFP port (250W) TP-Link - TL-SG1428PE

PORT: 24× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 2× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports, 2× Gigabit SFP Slots
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 250 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: PoE Auto Recovery, MTU/Port/Tag-based VLAN, QoS, IGMP Snooping, Web/Utility Management, Plug and Play

Pret : 1,200.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,428.00 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_FGSD-2621PSwitch Desktop 24-Port 10/100TX 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T + 1-Port shared 1000X SFP (185W) Planet - FGSD-2621P

24-Port 10/100TX 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 10/100/1000T + 1-Port shared 1000X SFP Unmanaged Gigabit Ethernet Switch  (185W PoE Budget, Standard/VLAN/Extend mode, supports PD alive check, desktop size with rackmount kit)

Pret : 748.49 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 890.70 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
box_SGS-6341-24P4Xv2Switch PoEGigabit L3, Stacabil, 24-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 4-Port 10G SFP+ Planet - SGS-6341-24P4X

Layer 3 24-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE with 4-port shared 100/1000X SFP + 4-Port 10G SFP+ Stackable Managed Gigabit Switch (370W, Multicast Routing: PIM-DM/SM, DVM RP)

Pret : 3,488.15 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 4,150.89 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
TL-SG3428XPP-M2(UN)_1.0-package_large_20230512065827iOmada Switch L2+ Managed 24-Port 2.5GBASE-T + 4-Port 10GE SFP+ + 16-Port PoE+ + 8-Port PoE++ TP-Link - SG3428XPP-M2

PORT: 24× 2.5G RJ45 Ports (8× 2.5G PoE++ Ports & 16× 2.5G PoE+ Ports), 4× 10G SFP+ Slots, RJ45/Micro-USB Console Port
SPEC: 802.3bt/at/af, 500 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Integration with Omada SDN Controller, Static Routing, OAM, DDM, 802.1Q VLAN, QinQ, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP Snooping, 802.1p/DSCP QoS, ACL, 802.1x, Radius/Tacacs+ Authentication, LACP, CLI, SNMP, Dual Image/Configuration, IPv6

Pret : 4,311.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 5,130.09 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
DGS_1210_28MP_E1_front_593f9589a2e69Switch 28-Port Gigabit PoE Managed + 4 x SFP Gigabit port (370W) D-Link - DGS-1210-28MP

Switch 24 x 10/100/1000BaseT PoE + 4 x SFP Gigabit port, management, buget POE 370W. 

Pret : 1,821.58 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,167.68 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
01_large_1606737679022oOmada Switch L2+ Managed JetStream 8-Port 2.5GBase-T + 2-Port 10GE SFP+ + 8-Port PoE+ TP-Link - SG3210XHP-M2

PORT: 8× 2.5G PoE+ Ports, 2× 10G SFP+ Slots, RJ45/Micro-USB Console Port
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 240 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Integration with Omada SDN Controller,Static Routing, OAM, DDM, sFlow, 802.1Q VLAN, QinQ, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP Snooping, 802.1p/DSCP QoS, ACL, 802.1x, Radius/Tacacs+ Authentication, LACP, CLI, SNMP, Dual Image/Configuration, IPv6

Pret : 2,040.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,427.60 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_IGS-5225-4P2Sv1.1Switch Industrial L2+ 4-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 100/1G SFP Managed Planet - IGS-5225-4P2S

IP40 Industrial L2+/L4 4-Port 1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 100/1000X SFP Full Managed Switch (-40 to 75 C, dual redundant power input on 48~56VDC terminal block, ERPS Ring, 1588, Modbus TCP, ONVIF, supports CloudViewer app, MQTT and Cybersecurity features)

Pret : 1,463.39 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,741.43 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_WGS-4215-8P2Sv1.1Switch Industrial 8-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 100/1000X SFP Wall-mount Management Planet - WGS-4215-8P2S

IP30, IPv6/IPv4, 8-Port 1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 100/1000X SFP Wall-mount Managed Ethernet Switch (-40 to 75 C, dual power input on 48-56VDC terminal block and power jack, SNMPv3, 802.1Q VLAN, IGMP Snooping, TLS, SSH, ACL, Cybersecurity features, supports ERPS Ring, CloudViewer app and MQTT, 250m Extend mode)

Pret : 1,367.43 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,627.24 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
TL-SX3206HPP_V1.0_10G_PoE++_Switch_2_large_20211124122703pOmada Switch L2+ PoE Managed 4-Port 10GBase-T + 2-Port 10GE SFP+ + 4-Port PoE++ TP-Link - TL-SX3206HPP

PORT: 4× 10G PoE++ Ports, 2× 10G SFP+ Slots, RJ45/Micro-USB Console Port
SPEC: 802.3bt/at/af, 200 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Integration with Omada SDN Controller,Static Routing, OAM, DDM, sFlow, 802.1Q VLAN, QinQ, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP Snooping, 802.1p/DSCP QoS, ACL, 802.1x, Radius/Tacacs+ Authentication, LACP, CLI, SNMP, Dual Image/Configuration, IPv6

Pret : 2,710.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 3,224.90 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
P112GS8GE POE+2GE Uplink+2SFP POE Switch Stonet - P112GS
  • 8 10/100/1000M adaptive RJ45 ports,2 1000M adaptive RJ45 uplink,2 SFP
  • Follow IEEE 802.3 Ethernet and IEEE802.3u Fast Ethernet Protocol
  • POE IEEE 802.3af/at compliant Powered Device (PD)
  • Supports two modes: Normal Mode/Port VLAN + Watch Dog Mode
  • Auto MDI/MDIX crossover for all ports
  • Support full duplex based on IEEE802.3x and half duplex based on Backpressure
  • All ports have wire-speed forwarding capability
  • MAC address auto-learning & auto-aging
  • Power supply: built-in 120W
Pret : 225.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 267.75 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
box_WGS-5225-8P2SV_v1.2_v2Switch Industrial 8-port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-port 1G/2.5G SFP LCD Management Planet - WGS-5225-8P2SV

IP30, IPv6/IPv4, L2+ 8-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 1G/2.5G SFP Wall-mount Managed Switch with LCD touch screen (-20~70 degrees C, dual power input on 48-56VDC terminal block and power jack, ERPS Ring, 1588, Modbus TCP, ONVIF, SNMPv3, 802.1Q VLAN, IGMP Snooping, ACL,  supports Cybersecurity, CloudViewer app and MQTT, supports 100FX, 1000X and 2.5G SFP)

Pret : 1,770.46 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,106.85 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_WGSW-20160HPv31Switch L2+ 16-port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 4-Gigabit TP/SFP Combo Management Planet - WGSW-20160HP

L2+/L4 16-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 4-Port Gigabit TP/SFP Combo Managed Security Switch, with Layer3 IPv4/IPv6 Static Routing (220W PoE Budget, 250m Extend mode, ONVIF, supports MQTT and Cybersecurity features)

Pret : 1,813.64 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 2,158.24 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_WGS-5225-8P2S_v1.2_v2Switch Industrial 8-port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-port 1G/2.5G SFP Management Planet - WGS-5225-8P2S

IP30, IPv6/IPv4, L2+ 8-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 1G/2.5G SFP Wall-mount Managed Switch (-40~75 degrees C, dual power input on 48-56VDC terminal block and power jack, ERPS Ring, 1588, Modbus TCP, ONVIF, SNMPv3, 802.1Q VLAN, IGMP Snooping, ACL, supports Cybersecurity, CloudViewer app and MQTT, supports 100FX, 1000X and 2.5G SFP)

Pret : 1,530.56 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,821.37 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
TL-SG105PE(UN)1.0_Pacakge_large_20221129021133t5-Port Gigabit Easy Smart Switch with 4-Port PoE+ TP-Link - TL-SG105MPE

PORT: 4× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 1× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports
SPEC: 802.3af/at, 120 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: PoE Auto Recovery, MTU/Port/Tag-based VLAN, QoS, IGMP Snooping, Web/Utility Management, Plug and Play

Pret : 400.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 476.00 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_GS-2210-8P2SSwitch Smart Web Management 8-port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-port 1000X SFP (120W) Planet - GS-2210-8P2S

8-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 1000X SFP Web Smart Ethernet Switch (120W PoE Budget, 802.1Q VLAN, Link Aggregation, IGMP Snooping, QoS, Bandwidth and Storm Control, Loop Guard, DHCP snooping, PD Alive Check, PoE Schedule, ONVIF Detect, supports PLANET NMS Controller and NMSViewerPro App, supports 100FX SFP)

Pret : 561.37 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 668.03 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
TL-SL1311MP(UN)_1.0-B_large_20221129022336qSwitch 8-port PoE 10/100 Mbps + 3-port Gigabit (65W) TP-Link - TL-SL1311P

PORT: 8× 10/100 Mbps PoE+ Ports, 2× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports, 1× Gigabit SFP Slots
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 65 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250m PoE Transmitting, Isolation Mode, PoE Auto Recovery, Plug and Play

Pret : 280.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 333.20 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_GS-2210-24P2SSwitch Smart Web Management 24-port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE +2-port 1000X SFP (260W) Planet - GS-2210-24P2S

24-Port 10/100/1000T 802.3at PoE + 2-Port 1000X SFP Web Smart Ethernet Switch (260W PoE Budget, 802.1Q VLAN, Link Aggregation, IGMP Snooping, QoS, Bandwidth and Storm Control, Loop Guard, DHCP snooping, PD Alive Check, PoE Schedule, ONVIF Detect, supports PLANET NMS Controller and NMSViewerPro App, supports 100FX SFP)

Pret : 1,343.44 LEI
pret per bucata
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,598.69 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
01_large_1578918202414jSwtich 24x10/100Mbps PoE+ + 2× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports, 2× Combo Gigabit SFP Slots TP-Link - TL-SL1226P

PORT: 24× 10/100 Mbps PoE+ Ports, 2× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports, 2× Combo Gigabit SFP Slots
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 250 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250m PoE Transmitting, Priority Mode for Port1-8, Isolation Mode, Plug and Play

Pret : 1,160.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,380.40 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
01_large_1598408391497kSwitch Gigabit Easy Smart 8-Port + 4-Port PoE+ TP-Link - TL-SG108PE

PORT: 4× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 4× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports
SPEC: 802.3af/at, 64 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: PoE Auto Recovery, MTU/Port/Tag-based VLAN, QoS, IGMP Snooping, Web/Utility Management, Plug and Play

Pret : 265.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 315.35 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
Passive PoE Extender 2IP66 Extender PoE, 1port PoE In + 2ports *10/100M POE out Stonet - P3502CE

2 ieșiri + 1 intrare ( prin care primeste alimentarea POE) : Echipat cu 2*10/100M porturi POE și 1*10/100M PoE port uplink.
2 moduri: modul standard și modul extindere, acceptă extensia POE de până la 100 de metri și 250 de metri.
Compatibil cu IEEE802.3af/at standard, iar ieșirea maximă pentru un port este de 30W.
Suporta învățarea autonomă a adresei MAC (maximn 2000 adrese);

Pret : 54.75 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 65.15 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
P107GSSwitch 4-port Gigabit POE +1-port SFP Gigabit + 1-port RJ45/SFP Gigabit Combo Stonet - P107GS
PORT: 4-port 10/100/1000Mb PoE IEEE 802.3af/at,
1-port Gigabit SFP
1-port Combo Gigabit SFP/RJ45
SPECS: Poe Budget: 60W
VLAN & Watch Dog
Pret : 243.87 LEI
pret per bucata
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 290.21 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
Festa_FS310GP_UN_1.0_02_large_20240508012450kSwitch Smart Gigabit 8-Port PoE+, 2-Port SFP (61W) TP-Link - Festa FS310GP

PORT: 8× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 2× Gigabit SFP Slots
SPEC: 802.3af/at, 61 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Integration with Festa Cloud-Based Controller, 802.1Q VLAN, STP/RSTP, IGMP Snooping, ACL, Storm Control, Link Aggregation, LLDP-MED, SNMP, IPv6, Static Routing

Pret : 622.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 740.18 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
box_GS-4210-24UP4XSwitch Smart Gigabit 24 port POE+ 4-port 10G SFP+ (720W) Planet - GS-4210-24UP4X

IPv6/IPv4, 24-Port 10/100/1000T 95W 802.3bt PoE + 4-Port 10G SFP+ Managed Switch (720W PoE budget, PoE PD alive check and schedule management, 250m Extend mode, 802.1Q VLAN, IGMP Snooping, TLSv1.2, SSHv2, SNMPv3, Cybersecurity, ACL, ERPS Ring, CloudViewerPro app, NMSViewerPro app and NMS MQTT, supports 100FX, 1000X, 2.5G SFP and 10G SFP+)

Pret : 3,540.92 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 4,213.70 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-SG1005P-PD_UN_1.0_01_large_20240123015714dSwitch Gigabit 5-por, 4-port 10/100/1000M PoE+ out, 1-port 10/100/1000M PoE+ in TP-Link - TL-SG1005P-PD

PORT: 4× Gigabit PoE+ Out Ports, 1× Gigabit PoE++ In Port
SPEC: PoE Out Ports support 802.3af/at, PoE In Port supports 802.3af/at/bt type3/bt type4. 9W/21W/47W/66W PoE Power (Powered by different PoE Standard) , Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250m PoE Transmitting for Port1-2, PoE Auto Recovery for Port1-4, Plug and Play, Only Powered by PoE

Pret : 166.00 LEI
pret per bucata
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 197.54 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
box_BSP-115HP-5ASwitch 5-Port Hybrid PoE Solar + 1-Port 1000X SFP Planet - BSP-115HP-5A

5-Port Hybrid PoE Solar PoE Switch with 1-Port 1000X SFP (-20~65 degrees C, 10/100/1000T RJ45 ports, 65W PoE budget, 1 port 60W PoE, 2 ports 802.3at PoE+ and 2 ports 802.3at PoE+/24V Passive PoE via DIP switch,  supports PD alive check, 250m PoE Extend and VLAN isolation,  12V/24V solar panel power input and 12V/24V battery charging, supports lead-acid/lithium/lithium iron batteries,  include temperature sensor.)  

Pret : 714.90 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 850.73 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
TL-SG2218P(UN)_1.0-A-package_large_20221220024703rOmada 18-Port PoE+ Gigabit Smart Switch with 2 SFP Slots (150W) TP-Link - SG2218P

PORT: 16× Gigabit RJ45 Ports, 2× Gigabit SFP Slots
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 150 W PoE Power, 1U 19-inch Rack-mountable Steel Case
FEATURE: Integration with Omada SDN Controller, Static Routing, 802.1Q VLAN, STP/RSTP/MSTP, IGMP Snooping, 802.1p/DSCP QoS, ACL, 802.1x, Radius/Tacacs+ Authentication, LACP, CLI, SNMP, Dual Image/Configuration, IPv6

Pret : 1,170.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,392.30 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
LS108GP_UN_1.0_01_large_20240123020304qSwitch 8-port Gigabit PoE+ TP-Link - LS108GP

8-Port Gigabit Desktop Switch with 8-Port PoE+
PORT: 8× Gigabit PoE+ Ports
SPEC: 802.3af/at, 62 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250m PoE Transmitting, PoE Auto Recovery, Plug and Play

Pret : 230.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 273.70 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
LS105GP_UN_1.0_01_large_20231123061035bSwitch 5-port Gigabit, 4-port PoE+, 1-port Gigabit Non-PoE TP-Link - LS105GP

5-Port Gigabit Desktop Switch with 4-Port PoE+
PORT: 4× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 1× Gigabit Non-PoE Port
SPEC: 802.3af/at, 65 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250m PoE Transmitting, PoE Auto Recovery, Plug and Play

Pret : 150.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 178.50 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
LS1210GP_UN_1.0_01_large_20231123060840kSwitch 8-port Gigabit PoE+, 1-port Gigabit Non-PoE, 1-port Gigabit SFP Slot TP-Link - LS1210GP

10-Port Gigabit Desktop Switch with 8-Port PoE+
PORT: 8× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 1x Gigabit Non-PoE Port, 1× Gigabit SFP Slot
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 61 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250m PoE Transmitting, Isolation Mode, PoE Auto Recovery, Plug and Play

Pret : 340.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 404.60 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
LS109P_UN_1.0_01_large_20231123061200bSwitch 9-port 10/100M, 8-port 10/100M PoE+, 1-port 10/100M Non-PoE TP-Link - LS109P

9-Port 10/100 Mbps Desktop Switch with 8-Port PoE+
PORT: 8× 10/100 Mbps PoE+ Ports, 1× 10/100 Mbps Non-PoE Port
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 63 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250m PoE Transmitting, Isolation Mode, PoE Auto Recovery, Plug and Play

Pret : 156.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 185.64 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
LS105LP_UN_2.0_01_large_20240325021528oSwitch 5-port 10/100M, 4-port 10/100M PoE+, 1-port 10/100M Non-PoE TP-Link - LS105LP

5-Port 10/100 Mbps Desktop Switch with 4-Port PoE
PORT: 4× 10/100 Mbps PoE Ports, 1× 10/100 Mbps Non-PoE Port
SPEC: 802.3af, 41 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250m PoE Transmitting, PoE Auto Recovery, Plug and Play

Pret : 99.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 117.81 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
box_BSP-115PV-15ASwitch 5-Port Hybrid PoE Solar + 1-Port 1000X SFP + LCD Planet - BSP-115PV-15A

5-Port 802.3at PoE+ Solar PoE Switch with 1-Port 1000X SFP and LCD Display (-20~65 degrees C, 10/100/1000T RJ45 ports, 120W PoE budget,  supports PD alive check, 250m PoE Extend and VLAN isolation,  12V/24V solar panel power input and 12V/24V battery charging, supports lead-acid/lithium/lithium iron batteries,  include temperature and humidity sensor, LCD displays solar/battery input voltage and current, PoE current power and battery remaining time)

Pret : 1,007.58 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 1,199.02 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
LS106LP_UN__2.0_01_large_20240307072214bSwitch 4-port 10/100M PoE+, 2-port 10/100M Non-PoE TP-Link - LS106LP

6-Port 10/100 Mbps Desktop Switch with 4-Port PoE
PORT: 4× 10/100 Mbps PoE Ports, 2× 10/100 Mbps Non-PoE Ports
SPEC: 802.3af, 41 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250m PoE Transmitting, PoE Auto Recovery, Plug and Play

Pret : 130.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 154.70 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
02_large_20240204063024nOmada 8-Port 10/100Mbps + 3-Port Gigabit Desktop Switch with 8-Port PoE+ TP-Link - DS111P

PORT: 8× 10/100 Mbps PoE+ Ports, 2× Gigabit Non-PoE Ports, 1× Gigabit SFP Slots
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 65 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250m PoE Transmitting, Isolation Mode, PoE Auto Recovery, Plug and Play

Pret : 300.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 357.00 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
PoE 30WInjector PoE 30W Cudy Gigabit ,10/100/1000Mbps Cudy - POE200

Cu o capacitate de transfer de date de pana la 10/100/1000Mbps, acesta poate gestiona eficient traficul de date in reteaua dvs. POE200 este echipat cu tehnologia Power over Ethernet (PoE), permitand alimentarea dispozitivelor compatibile direct prin cablul Ethernet, fara a fi necesare surse de alimentare suplimentare. Cu o tensiune de iesire de 54VDC si o putere maxima de 30W pe port, acesta poate alimenta o gama larga de dispozitive, inclusiv camere de supraveghere, telefoane IP sau puncte de acces wireless.

Pret : 65.30 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 77.70 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
FS1026PS1Switch Cudy FS1026PS1, 24-Porturi 10/100M PoE+ Switch 2 x Gigabit ports, 1 x SFP Slot Cudy - FS1026PS1
  • 24× FE with 802.3at/af Mode A PoE
  •  2× Uplink GbE + 1× Uplink SFP
  •  300W Power Supply
  •  Default/VLAN/Extend Modes
  •  Watchdog under VLAN or Extend Modes
  •  Desktop, Rack-Mount
Pret : 507.65 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 604.11 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
TL-SG1210MP(UN)2.0_large_20211216100043mSwitch PoE Gigabit, 8-port PoE + 2-port Gigabit Non-PoE + 1-port Combo Gigabit SFP TP-Link - TL-SG1210MP

PORT: 8× Gigabit PoE+ Ports, 2x Gigabit Non-PoE Ports, 1× Combo Gigabit SFP Slot
SPEC: 802.3at/af, 123 W PoE Power, Desktop Steel Case
FEATURE: Extend Mode for 250m PoE Transmitting, Priority Mode for Port1-2, Isolation Mode, PoE Auto Recovery, Plug and Play

Pret : 591.00 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 703.29 LEI
Disponibilitate : Sunati
gs1018ps2-1-0-216-GbE PoE Switch with 2 Uplink GbE and 2 Uplink SFP Cudy - GS1018PS2
  •  16× GbE with 802.3at/af Mode A PoE
  •  2× Uplink GbE + 2× Uplink SFP
  •  200W Power Supply
  •  Default/Extend Modes
  •  Watchdog under Extend Mode
  •  Desktop, Rack-Mount
  •  320×207×44 mm (12.6×8.15×1.73″)


Pret : 746.55 LEI
*) Pretul nu contine TVA
cuTVA 19%: 888.39 LEI
Disponibilitate : In stoc
Preturile nu contin TVA
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